Saturday, September 4, 2010

Writing Electronically..

1). The only type of blogging experience that I have is through face book, it that even counts. I use this source of comunitcation for the soul purpose of keeping in touch with people. Now that I am in college and my friends and I are all across Ohio and even the country, I find it very helpful to have it so I can keep up on their lives even though we have a lot of things going on. Also, even though I don't use a blog now, I like the idea of one. I think that it is a good way for people to express themselves and get their ideas out.
2). For me, it is easier to write my papers out with a pen before I use an electronic medium. Whenever I use paper, it is a longer process but in the end it pays off. I can right out all my ideas and then edit them as I go. Normally, I write out all of my papers and edit them as I go. Typing my papers are harder for me because when I don't like something that I typed out I delete the whole line and then lose my train of thought. It is easier for me because I like to see everything and then change words around so that it makes complete sense.

katie allison 1st post

I dont really have any experiences blogging elexctronical. I do text, go on face book, and on ocasions I send emials. Im not a fan of blogging, im not good with expresing my thoughts, I am a fan of texting though. The most comunication i use online would have to be through my facebook keeping in touch with all my friends.

2. When you use a computer to write, and type your writing defently changes. It is less formal, i know i tend to type a little different then I normaly would if i were to write out my paper. The advantage to useing a computer would be spell check. I feel we are so used to just saying shorten words online such as, ttul (talk to you later), brb (be right back), and so on.

Friday, September 3, 2010

electronic writing

I personally don't have alot of experience writing electronically. About 2 years ago I had a myspace and sent some of my friends messages, but im not big on myspace, facebook or twitter things. I like to text, though. I text numerous times a day. I used to spell words my own way.For example, instead of spelling "that", I spelled "dat". In doing this, I noticed that I was spelling things the way I texted in my english courses at school and this became a problem. Nowadays when I text, I text words the way they are supposed to be spelled. Some of my friends laugh at the way I text, saying that I text "too proper".

electronic writing

1. I don't have that much experience with writing electronically. The only time I do is while texting, on facebook, and the occasional email. I use facebook pretty regulary but for the most part it's very informal writing and it's just quick things I want to say to my friends. The only emails I send are for school related things and I try to keep it short but formal. I text my friends everyday to say random things or to keep them updated with what's going on in my life and to keep track of their life and problems. Texting makes it a lot easier now that we're all away at school because it's quick but it still shows you're thinking about them.

2. I believe that when writing electronically, people are a lot less informal when compared to writing a paper. There are a few reasons that this happens. One is that for the most part people are talking electronically to friends or family memers, there's no need to use proper grammer and formal writing to ask your friend what they did last night. Another reason is that people mainly talk electronically because they're not with the people they're talking to. No one wants to hear your whole life story through a text or a facebook comment. You usually wait to tell your friends important things when you're with them in person or maybe on the phone if you can't be with them. A third reason is that your trying to say things quickly when you're writing electronically so you might say "ur" instead of "your" or "lol" instead of telling them that whatever they said made you laugh. As sad as it is to say I do think that eventually people will get too used to "text typing" and it will start to affect the way that we write papers. With the way the world is going, it's important that we still stick to our "text talk" because technology is only advancing, but I think it's also important we don't forget how to write a real paper.

Writing online

I have alot of experience with writing electronically via facebook, twitter, Microsoft word, excel, and powerpoint. I have been online since I can remember. In school we used to do typing programs such as Mavis Beacon and used our emails often. I used to have about 7 different email accounts and i checked them all. (lol)
In terms of whether my writing style changes, I believe it does. I feel everyones style of writing becomes casual when online. There are tons of new words being used in everyday speech and even text messaging due to people making abreviations and shorter words. I use shorter terms when im on facebook and commas, periods, and grammar are all thrown out the window. The internet does hurt my writing style because sometimes I write how I speak, which seems to be my issue. A good balance of writing online and writing perhaps on a word document could be the best thing to do.

Writing Experience

I really don't have any experience with writing blogs, but I've stumbled upon blogs during my time on the interent. I have also done my fair share of writing electronically. I never have used twitter, but like most people these days I use Facebook and I had a Myspace. I also use my email account frequently. I think it's a pretty great use of technology. It allows people to keep in touch, and communicate when they can't see one another every day. Even being in college I've noticed that we use electronics to take quizzes, do homework, or even ask questions. This allows people to do things on their own time, but it takes out human to human contact.

I definitely think that people tend to not really think of the internet as a place to be formal or use proper grammar. Therefore, I think people lose their formal ability to write. I just think people are more comfortable using electronics and they don’t' care as much about using the correct way of writing.

I think since people can basically be who they want to be on the internet, they are more comfortable and confident. Blogs that I have come across are usually written for a purpose. The people writing these blogs usually feel passionate and have strong feelings toward a subject. A blog is a nice idea, people from different places can meet in one place to discuss a topic they want to discuss.

Writing Electronically

1. I personally have had a fair amount of writing electronically. when i did my marketing project for high school, i spent almost all my time writing on the computer. I use twitter, but rarely. I have used IM alot and e-mail. Been doing alot more e-mail now that I've started school. I have also used facebook as well as myspace.

2. I think that writing dose change when you write electronically verse writing with a pen and paper. When writing electronically I personally think that you keep the flow of writing at a faster pace verse when writing when writing with pen and paper i think that the flow of writing is slower cause you are having to go back and and make corrections with white out and worry about if you have the correct spelling or gramer. when writing electronically you know quickly if you make a mistake and can correct it faster than with a pen and paper. I think that my writing dose change when I write electronically verse by hand. I feel like i could get more done and take my writing further when I write electronically.

Writing Electronically

1) The experience I have with blogging began in junior high school, probably in seventh grade, where I used AIM to instant message my friends. After I used that for a while, Email became a part of my life too. Back then email wasn't that big in my life but now since I'm in college, it's a HUGE part. I obviously use it for classes, but I also use it to email my mom back and fourth. It is sometimes easier then talking on the phone with her due to the fact that she likes to talk a lot on the phone. Along with email, I of course use facebook. I love facebook because it allows me to stay in contact with all my high school friends and people I can't talk to every day. I am not addicted to it, but i would say I'm pretty close to it. And now, last but not least, texting!!!! Texting is probably the one thing I seriously would have trouble living without. I text every day and that's how I become closer to people. I love texting because it allows you to tell people things you wouldn't normally tell people in person. So, all in all, I believe my blogging experience has been a good one.

2) I do believe that your writing does change when you use an electronic medium as opposed to a pen and pencil because first, the way words are used and the use of grammar is totally different when compared to writing a letter or talking in person. For example, we often use "ttyl" when typing or texting. We all shorten the words to save time. Also, in my opinion, I know I feel more comfortable saying things in texting or online rather in person because I don't get as nervous and such. It is also hard because you cannot see the person's reaction to something you tell them if you're texting them or IMing them.

writing electronically

1. In the past i haven't been to many sites to "blog" but i have been to many sites like facebook, myspace, and i've briefly have seen xanga in the past. My first experience came when yahoo messenger came around in middle school. I used it to keep in contact with friends after school because at that point in my life i did not have a cell phone so that was my means of contacting my friends. Shortly after that died down and myspace became very popular. I used myspace for a brief time and it was more of just having a myspace then actually using it. More recently though i have used facebook to keep in touch with my old highschool friends that are now attending other universities around ohio. I would say that i check my facebook multiple times a week .

2. I think my writing process has vastly changed because usually when im talking to my friends i have terrible grammer or i use abreviations that i wouldn't use if i was talking face to face. This shows how the process of writing can be changed and made to custom fit anyone and everyone who uses an electronic medium. The usage of facebook and text messaging has definantly had drastic changes on my spelling and my grammer usage.

Writing Electronically

1) My electronic writing experieces include email, facebook, and myspace. I used to post poetry in the myspace blogs and on facebook it's mainly just comments and the occasional chat. Lately though, I've cut out a lot of electronic writing. It's not as satisfying for me.

2) The only way my writing changes through the electronic medium is adding in things for emotional effect like smiley faces for example. I've always tried to use as few abbreviations as possible and avoid the saavy text lingo. I love writing, and I think that the writing process is much more solid with a pen and paper. You can physically see the edits and additions you've made to the writing, and with that you can remember what you need to fix the next time. On a computer, you can only see the the writing after it's been fixed up and that, for me, makes it a lot harder to remember my weaknesses and what I did poorly. A lot of spelling and grammatical errors are easily corrected without your knowledge when you type up a paper so we aren't really learning from those mistakes, which allows us to continue to make those same mistakes over and over when physically writing. While electronic writing is emmensly helpful in some ways, at the same time it is destroying some even more helpful things that come about with pen and paper.

Writing Electronically

1. I have many experiences with writing electronically with IM, e-mail, Facebook and Myspace. I started out in middle school using AIM messenger then i found Myspace which I was on constantly talking to my friends. Now I'm always on Facebook since that is the best way to stay in touch with all of my friends. I also tend to use e-mail a lot more than I used to since college has come. I have used a blog once before in high school for a project I had to do and it wasn't all that bad for my first time using it.

2. I believe that my writing does change when I use electronic medium compared to using pen and paper. When I'm using a computer or texting I always like to keep my responses the shortest I can. So I tend to abbreviate words and not write in complete sentences. But what's wrong with that? I'm just talking to my friends, as long as they can understand me then it's fine. All of this is different when I use a pen and paper because when I write using this I always use the correct grammar and punctuations mainly because it's for school and it counts for something. I find that using a computer makes everything easier because it can get work done so much faster and if you make a mistake you can just hit the backspace button.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Electronic Writing

1. As for writing electronically, it isn't something I do too often, unless you count going on Facebook and chatting it up on Skype. Other than that I'm usually not doing any real writing. The most ill do on Facebook is comment on a picture or status and just keep in touch with my friends. And thats the same with Skype. When I'm not using my webcam, ill just chat as I would on Facebook. Also for blogging, it never happens, this is my first blog, but definitely not my last.

2. I think that there are many differences, at least for me, when writing on an electronic medium instead of pen and paper. Its definitely a lot faster for me to get my thoughts down, and because my handwriting is not that good, it looks a lot neater. And a weird thing I am noticing is that I actually have an easier time coming up with things to write when I'm on the computer. So to me I really like using an electronic medium to write instead of pen and paper.

Writing Electronically

1. I have been writing electronically for quite a while now. It all started about the time I entered the 4th grade when I noticed my older sister talking to her friends on AOL Instant Messenger. From about that time on, I haven't stopped interacting with my friends electronically. Over the years I started using different sources such as Facebook, Myspace and Skype. The only time I have ever blogged was in Junior High. My computer teacher made us blog three to four times a week about certain events going on in the school.

2. I believe my writing changes drastically when I'm using an electric medium opposed to when I use a pen and paper. I believe it changes because when I'm writing electronically it's more convenient to leave words and punctuation out to save time when you still get the same point across as you would if all the words and punctuations were there. I have also noticed that when I write electronically I tend to never put G's on the end of words and instead of putting "going" I always put "gonna" instead. When it comes down to it in the end I'm two different people when writing electronically and writing with a pen and paper.

Writing electronically

I have had many experiences writing electronically. However, I haven't experienced all of the different ways to express yourself electronically. This is the first time that I have ever blogged and I once tried to use Twitter which just turned into an outburst of anger. I haven't "IM-ed" since the sixth grade when I discovered Myspace.It turned out to be my first love but also my worst break-up. No worries though, Facebook became my number one priority. Before, after, and during school I had to make sure I commented my friends back or liked someone's new status. So to sum it all up, I NEED electronic writing in my life.
I do believe that my writing changes when I write electronically compared to when I write with a pen and paper. When I write electronically, I find myself typing as quick as possible, avoiding capitalization, and abbreviating anything possible. I also create facial expressions from my typing. It sounds ridiculous, but it's an adaptation that people started to use instead of stating their expressions. Any short cut to use when writing electronically, people will use it. When I write with a pen and pencil it looks nothing like when I chat with people on Facebook. Everything ends with a period and starts with a capital letter. There are no "haha's" or "lol's" when I type. If I misspell a word I erase it and rewrite it. I know it sounds a lot easier to simply hit the backspace or delete button rather than to erase a word, but it's just one of the many changes that this generation is undergoing.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Experience with Electronic Writing

1. I've been experiencing electronic writing/typing since about second grade. I started off a little early I guess. But, hey that never hurts! My friends tell me I use Facebook way to much but I like being connected to people who I don't get to see all the time. Facebook was basically my life for at least the past 4 years but that's another story. I've tried Twitter and didn't like it all! You really can't do the stuff on twitter that you can do on Facebook or that you could do on Myspace, which I used to have one but that kind of died out when I got into high school. I've had a lot of experience with electronic writing! I started using e-mail when I was a freshman in high school. We were assigned school e-mail addresses. I think I might have checked it almost everyday whether it was at school or at home. I just loved getting anything from people actually writing to me, it was usually my friends saying something funny, or ads from like Best Buy, Golf Galaxy, etc. Basically any store! I now have two e-mails, obviously the Kent e-mail and I still use my high school e-mail because stuff still gets sent there. Overall good experience.

2. My electronic medium changes a little bit from pen and paper. I usually use acronyms or just shorten a word because I'm to lazy to type the whole thing out. Yes, I am lazy when it comes to typing! I think it's a lot easier then writing stuff down on piece of paper. I would choose to type everything if I could, but sadly I can't. I guess writing isn't to bad but making mistakes on paper you either have to erase or scribble out, which leaves the paper messy. I don't like that, where typing you can eras anything and it will still be neat! My writing can tend to get progressively worse and that's why I like having papers typed because I have really good electronic hand writing.

Electronic Writing

1.) The personal experience I have with writing electronically is E-mail and Facebook mainly. I used to use IM a few years ago when it was more popular at my school, but it has since dissipated. I used a blog when blogging was more popular on xanga, but I never really became super knowledgeable about it. I am literally on Facebook every single day, I probably could not go a day without Facebook as sad as that sounds. I am horrible about checking my e-mail because most people that need to contact me do so by texting or calling me, but I am trying to get better.
2.) I feel when I use an electronic medium that my writing changes to some degree. When I am texting my friends or anyone for that matter most of the time I do not worry about adding grammar. I usually do not make the effort to make sure everything about a text or post on someone’s wall on Facebook has to grammatically correct because I know my friends will not notice. I am not one however that says “u” or “r” for you and are, but I do say “lol” and add smiley faces. I feel like typing on a computer however instead of sitting at a piece of paper to write a paper is more helpful to me. I like being able to type on word and be able to move pieces of my writing around because it sounds better in a particular area instead of trying to gather all my thoughts before I start a new paragraph writing on paper.

Writing Electronically

1) I do have experience with writing electronically. I tend to use Facebook a lot as well as email, for communication purposes. My generation grew up with technology therefore, its common knowledge for us. However, our parents probably are not as comfortable with it. I feel it is important to be able to communicate with online tools, information now a days is mostly found on your computers. For example, our own university. Kent State provides students with emails and updates everyday electronically. Our younger demographic is paving the way for more online driven media.
2)Personally my writing definitely changes dramatically when I am typing. I abbreviate majority of my words and use "AIM" talk. (nvm, ttyl, lol). Even while texting, I tend to do the same. However, when writing with a pen and pencil I write the the complete word out. I do this because I feel when your writing on paper it is more formal. When I am chatting with friends on Facebook it is just understood to use the abbreviations. The reason why it is understood is due to the fact that our culture almost revolves around computers and electronic communication.

Writting Electronically

1) The experience that I have with writing electronically exists mainly in Facebook, email, and IM. I use Facebook as a means to keep in touch with friends that are now attending separate colleges. I have blogged before, only for one class though. The blogging assignment only lasted one month so I never really got the hang of it.

2) I think my writing changes immensely when I go from an electronic medium to a pen and paper method. When I am online it is a more laid back environment so I tend to ignore spelling, punctuation, and any other grammar rules. This is especially bad when I text, I never take the time to text any punctuation in my sentences. I think it all depends on who you are talking to, If I am emailing a professor you can bet I will take the time to put periods where they need to be, but if I am texting a friend they will most likely get abbreviated words and no punctuation. The world has changed a lot, and I believe that electronic communication is what most people turn to these days, so the quickest way to send a message out is the way that they send that message.

Writing Electronically

1.) The experience that I have with electronic writing is mostly through email and blogging. I would say that I email more than I blog, but I have done both quite extensively. During my senior year, I was in a class called 21st Century Online. It was the first time this class had been offered at my high school and I thought it looked interesting. The class ended up being all about blogging. Every week we would have a prompt and then we would have to blog about that specific prompt. Even though, at the time, I thought that the class was pointless, I now see that it helped me in the long run.

2.) I believe that my writing changes immensely when I use an electronic medium, especially when I am using my cell phone. When sending a text message I usually do not make small corrections. If I spell the word "don't", then I usually would not put the apostrophe in the word. I believe that it is just a habit that I have taken on. I think that if I really took the time to look through the message that I am sending, then there would not be as many errors. All I see it as is a person being careless and not taking the time to fix his/her errors.

Electronic Writing

1. The experiences I have with writing electronically would mainly be emails and Facebook. On Facebook I share posts and can use ims and it is mainly a way to be social but not a formal way to write. I also use texting everyday which is the worst writing because everything is abbreviated and spelling, grammar, and punctuation is never taken into account
2. I think that when writing electronically a lot changes. Usually people will disregard grammar and spelling when they are writing online. I think this is because these types of writing are informal and used for entertainment. I know when I am physically writing something on paper I am much less likely to write "bc" or "u". I think that this shows that writing formally is a much less likely type of writing used in today with all the technology we have available to us.


First blog post (2 parts/at least 200 words):

1) What experience, if any, do you have with writing electronically? Do you blog yourself? Twitter? IM? Email?

2) Do you think your writing changes when you use an electronic medium as opposed to when you have to use a pen and paper? If yes, why do you think that is? If no, what do you think this says about the process of writing?

Electronic Writing

I actually have some experience with writing electronically. I personally dont have blog but I do have a Facebook and use email quite often. I also use to use myspace but as we all know Facebook came along and put Myspace in it's place. I dont use Twitter because all my friends are still on Facebook and Twitter really doesnt do anything in my opinion.

I think it does change quite a bit when electronics are used in writing as well as many other things. The reason i believe writing changes when you use elctronics is that people feel they can write more on a pen a paper and on a computer your writings look smaller. Say, for example, that your a high school student and you need to write a 2-page paper. Now if you were writing it on 2 sheets of paper you would have to write the entire 2 pages because most teachers dont have thier students double space writing on paper. Now if you were writing on computer you could type only a page and a half then through double spaceing and seperating the title and your name you now would have what looks to be like a fiully typed 2 page paper. Also many people write faster using a pen and paper rather then a computer and the reason for that is that many people dont know how to type properly.

Post #1- Electronic Writing.

1) I have a fair amount of experience when it comes to writing electronically. As a young teen I kept a Xanga (a blog fashionable in 2005), then a myspace and now a facebook. I instant messaged with my friends all through middle school and high school. I'm an avid text-er and I've had my own email address since the summer of 1999 (I was seven). During my senior year of high school I also blogged for a class (similar to this format) except we had individual blogs instead of sharing one.

2) I would say that writing changes significantly (for me) when I write on a blog or send an email. To me writing electronically is more casual. I feel there's a sense of formality when I pick up a pen or a pencil. For school (when I would typical use pen or pencil) there are expectations. Even when I have to type a paper I’m usually just copying a hand written draft. On the other hand when I’m writing electronically it’s usually to send a message to a friend or family member. I understand that changes in this case as my school work is now being posted through an electronic venue but for the most part I would say writing electronically is more casual.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Welcome to the course blog for ENG 11011. This is an interactive forum for reflecting upon and discussing the course material and sharing your experiences with writing. Ideally, we will all be active participants in an online community, responsible for both production and consumption of written knowledge. I expect you to respond not only to course material, but also to one another.


  1. Weekly reflections on the assigned readings: You will be responsible for posting 250 words per week to the blog. Half the class will post on Monday and half will post on Wednesday. For specific due dates, see the blogging schedule.
  2. In-class writing assignments: We will also use the blog to write about topics in class.

Your weekly blog posts will be responses to any aspect of the reading assignment. What did you think? Is there an idea you found interesting or problematic? You might connect the reading to other things you have read, or relate the ideas to your own experiences. You could also pose questions about the reading topics or ponder something that confused you. You can summarize the ideas of the author, but I am most interested in your ideas. This assignment is open-ended and reflective, but I still expect you to engage with the topic. In order to receive credit, you must add something of substance to the ongoing conversation or move it forward. Be as clear and reader-friendly as possible. I will not be grading for mechanical correctness, but please try to keep your thoughts relatively focused and organized.

There are two ways to participate on the blog:
1) Create your own post. You can save your post before you publish it to the blog, and revise it at any time.
2) Use the "comments" function to post your reactions to other posts. Once posted, these cannot be revised, so choose your words carefully.


  • This assignment constitutes 17.5% of your overall grade (175 points).
  • Blog entries are "graded" on a credit/no credit basis. You will receive credit for substantive, thoughtful entries. Each incomplete or missing entry will lower your grade.
  • Grammar and mechanics will not lower your grade unless they detract from the clarity of your blog post(s).

This an open-ended, flexible assignment with only a few guidelines:

1) Respect one another. Disagreement is welcome; inflammatory personal attacks are not. Just don't be a jerk.

2) Exercise discretion. These discussions can and will be somewhat informal, but remember that this is a public web page. Your words reflect not only yourself but the class as a whole, so choose them wisely.

3) Stay relevant. I welcome the unexpected diversions that will undoubtedly occur, but your posts and comments should be at least tangentially related to the larger discussion.


Audience - This is a public forum, so keep your audience in mind when you write. You aren't just writing for yourself or your teacher - you're writing for your classmates, and for any virtual interlopers who happen to stumble upon our blog!
Participation - Those of you more reticent to speak in class may find this virtual space more comfortable than the physical one. Feel free to write more than 250 words if you are so inclined.
Intertextuality - You may link to video, audio, images, or other web pages, provided the information is relevant to the blog dicussion.

Consider this blog an open space for all your questions, anecdotes, observations, rants, philosophical musings, and ideological assertions. As always, please talk to me if you need help.

I look forward to your thoughtful ruminations.
