Wednesday, December 15, 2010


This semester of college writing was a good experience for me. I feel that I really explored what I can do as a writer. I have never written so many different essays or entries in such a short amount of time. I liked the setup of the class; the never ending cycle of writing. In my high school English classes, the focus was not only on writing, but also in literature and grammar as well. Because there were so little writing assignments, when we had one, the topic was pretty narrow and the amount of room we had for originality was condensed. The open ended writing topics in this class allowed me to explore myself and think deeper than what was necessary for prior essays. The challenges I had to face and surmount made me realize a lot about my writing style. I had never viewed myself as a writer until we discussed the purposes and uses of writing. Writing itself is open for anyone and everyone and I now see how much I can do with what I have to say. This class allowed me to explore that.

Also, I liked the learning environment. I am good with computers so the role that technology played in the classroom was beneficial. The fact that everything was available on vista helped. It is difficult for me to keep track of things, especially the numerous papers that I receive daily from every class. Having everything available on vista helped me keep up in the class; it was extremely convenient.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Extra Credit Blog

I had a good time with this class. The discussions were my favorite part of the class. Discussions are always my favorite part because it gives everyone a chance to make the class more comfortable.

The blogs were always the hardest part for me. For some reason I hated getting started on them. Once I did get started though, I always ended up finding them interesting. I liked seeing what other people chose out of the reading to really focus on and write about.

I really enjoyed the papers. The prompts were easy to think about and write about and they allowed strong opinions of course. I was really happy with the first I wrote was the first one about perceiving communication. The percentage on how you look and sound as compared to what the message actually is. I also liked the final essay. I was so excited to have the option to use a different medium especially with a topic in which I am very interested.

Overall I was very happy with the class, and I learned some good ways to make my writing better and stronger.

extra credit blog

I remember on the first day of this class being extremely nervous thinking we were going to have a paper due like once a week and the class was going to be impossible with the many papers we were going to have to write. To my surprise the class was the total opposite. The work load was completely manageable and I thought the class was very easy. With me still being in high school I had my doubts whether or not I could handle it, but I did. Our discussions were also at times amusing and I enjoyed those, when we discussed current topics such as texting and Lady Gaga. I enjoyed our group assignments over lecture days. I found to start to enjoy group activities over doing them on my own. I also had to learn how to use a blog, keep up with it, and write in it weekly. I enjoyed the fact that there were people of multiple levels when it came to writing. The different levels helped class discussions that way everything didn't go over my head and I could also put in my thoughts without feeling like I was sounding dumb. I am going to miss this class because of the people I met in there and I don't really think classes can become any simpler than ours was, plus our class was fun. I never dreaded coming to our class because there was never anything bad to look forward to, other than that fear you get in your stomach when our papers were getting handed back.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Extra credit Blog

When I first entered this class I truly thought it was going to be so so different then it really turned out to be. I thought it was going to be a normal boring writing class that I hear all college students complain about. I was most definitely wrong. This class was honestly my most fun class this semester. I loved how you tied everything we learned into youtube videos or good articles. It made my learning experience way better and actually helped me understand the material better since I am a visual learner. Another thing i liked a lot were the group projects we did. I love working in groups and the last group project we had to do was really fun. The one where we had to make up a skit. I will always remember that. Also I really enjoyed the topics we had to write on this semester. The learning styles essay made me realize more about myself and the analyzing music video essay made me see music videos in a different way now. The last essay about technology was interesting as well. I thought it was somewhat hard but I felt proud of myself after I finished it and i actually learned a lot from it. The last thing i really appreciated was how we got s second chance on all of our papers and we got a chance to revise each one. I learned a lot from the first draft to the next and I definitely took advantage of that opportunity to revise. I feel I have improved writing since the beginning of the semester. All in all, this writing class has been a success for me. :)

extra credit blog

This writing class has been a lot different than I originally expected. Before the class I had never blogged before or really had an idea of how it worked. After doing so many through class I think I have a firm grasp at the whole blogging thing and I actually ended up enjoying doing them. Getting a chance to voice my opinion about things going on in class is not something that I'm normally used to and I'm glad we got the chance to. I also liked that we went over many topics for papers instead of just one theme the whole time. The topics that we did discuss were all for the most part modern and up to date even the readings, except for a couple, were all about modern topics and stuff that I could relate to not just boring stuff. My least favorite papers were the final essay because I didn't like the topic and i thought five pages dragged on and also the personality paper because I was tired of the topic. My favorite paper was the music video paper because I love music and it was just easy and fun to write. I loved that we got not only a grade but feedback of what we did right and wrong. I'm used to just getting a grade with no feedback so i liked getting a chance to see what I need to improve on. Overall, I enjoyed the class a lot more than I thought and it made me not as stressed out for college writing 2.


This class really surprised me. It being just a writing class, it could have went into so many directions. I really enjoyed a lot of the topics discussed. I also enjoyed a lot of the readings we had to do. I think this class was extremely modern and up to speed with what's relevant today. I thought this class was going to be like a typical English class, but we got to write about ourselves a lot more and that, to me, makes it so much easier to write in the style I'm best at. I used to love writing, but somewhere in High School I started dreading writing assignments and they made me feel like I was an awful writer. This class made me like writing again. I actually remember what it's like not to dread doing a five page paper. I also liked doing the blogs. I liked how we really could just go off on tangents on the blog. After reading something that you like it's easy to just talk about, and the blog allowed us to do that. I also liked all the clips that were played in class. All really went along with what was being discussed and I think they helped me better understand, not to mention funny. I really hate peer editing. I don't really find it helpful only because they just show you the spelling and grammar errors. I just really hate it. I really loved that we could turn in a our papers and then re-turn it in after you checked it. Since your opinion is the only one that really matters, it's nice that you offer that. Overall, I really enjoyed your class ! Good luck next semester.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Extra Credit - TH

While reflecting back on our writing class, a lot of things come to mind. First off, I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed the class and all the different discussions. To tell you the truth, I actually enjoyed doing the blogs once a week. I liked the blogs because you could see how other interpreted the information compared to your own views. I noticed that most of the time I had very different interpretations than my classmates. The best part in my eyes of the class was watching the different YouTube videos randomly throughout the year. I really enjoyed these because if you wouldn't have shown us these videos in class, I would have never watched them. The best video of the year was the British comedian that sang the national anthems. As far as the papers go, I feel that the last paper of the class was the hardest by far. The topic was rather easy but it was tough to find credible information that was usable. My favorite paper by far was the one about learning styles. I feel that with this paper I could write all day because it was all mostly based on your personal experiences. Also while doing this paper I realized some different learning styles that I never thought I had. I feel that in this class I learned a great deal of information that will benefit me throughout my college years. Finally, I just want to thank you for answering my emails so quickly, you’re the only one out of all my professors that even answers.

Extra Credit Blog (BG)

As my experience in college writing comes to an end, i like to think it was a success. the class really had me thinking the entire semester and it kept me interested in everything we did in class, read, blogged about, all of it. I really enjoyed the class because it was relaxed and that helped the learning process for me. I liked doing the blogs. At first i didn't think i would like them, but it was a lot of fun and easier than writing out the assignments on paper and turning them in. there were always questions that had me thinking and i really liked that. I am going to miss this class. It really has taught me a lot that i will take with me to my other classes. My favorite part was our discussions, especially the cat vs dog argument. our discussions were always fun but always stuck to the message in the end. This was an awesome class and i am really going to miss it. Maybe i will have the same professor down the road, that be awesome. :) But time will tell, and i cant wait to take what i have learned and put it to work in my other classes.