Wednesday, November 10, 2010

in class post kyle drew kelsey gabby

1. His ability to read is suffering from the use of the internet. His attention span has significantly dropped from what it used to be. He says he's not thinking the way he used to think and thats due to the availability of information on the internet.
2. Using of the internet makes it easier to find information through searches of google. Before he said he had to go through periodicals and it became very time consuming. Using google allows for you to do this in a matter of minutes
3. Scott Karp blogs about online media and he confessed to not reading books at all anymore. He revealed that he was a literature major in college and used to read books all the time. now the internet has changed this behiavior.
4. Carrs primary concern is google will come to replace all book research and reading, since google and other simular search engines seem to be the quick link to all sorts of unlimited information.

GOOGLE GROUP - Julie, Ben, Brooke, Kenny, & Tecia

1. Carr believes that the way he takes in information is changing. He no longer feels like reading a book page by page, he's used to skimming.

2. According to Carr the benefits of the internet are that you can get information within minutes and before you had to invest time in a library looking through books to acquire the information you were looking for.

3. Our example of this :
"Bruce Friedman, who blogs regularly about the use of computers in medicine, also has described how the Internet has altered his mental habits. “I now have almost totally lost the ability to read and absorb a longish article on the web or in print,” he wrote earlier this year. A pathologist who has long been on the faculty of the University of Michigan Medical School, Friedman elaborated on his comment in a telephone conversation with me. His thinking, he said, has taken on a “staccato” quality, reflecting the way he quickly scans short passages of text from many sources online. “I can’t read War and Peace anymore,” he admitted. “I’ve lost the ability to do that. Even a blog post of more than three or four paragraphs is too much to absorb. I skim it.” "

Friedman used to read large pieces of literature, but now can't read that much at one time. The internet has changed this about him.

4. He doesn't want people to lose "the quiet spaces opened up by the sustained, undistracted reading of a book, or by any other act of contemplation, for that matter, we make our own associations, draw our own inferences and analogies, foster our own ideas. " We turn to Google for everything nowadays and I think he just doesn't want us to lose the ability to try and figure things out or think for ourselves.


1. we think that when Carr says his mind is "changing", we think he means how you look at information and how you look it up on the internet verses reading it in a book. In his piece he says " Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski. ". whe he says this, we think that he means that its faster to use the internet rather than read.

2. One advantage of using the internet is the speed. How fast you can find information. Another would be its very universal. It can be used for anything and everything now a days. A disadvantage however is how it can be a distracation and how not everything you read is actually true.

3. "We can expect as well that the circuits woven by our use of the Net will be different from those woven by our reading of books and other printed works." meaning your mind works a different way when reading pages verses reading something off the screen.

4. Carrs primary concern with this piece we believe is that we are going to get lost in the internet and consumed by things that are not true. that the effects of the internet is a negatiave influence on the mind and thinking process. it makes it to easy to just go to another tab or page to look for the answer your looking for rather than challenging your mind to think.

Carr's Questions

Aarin Frazee, Katie Allison, Erin Harding, Robin Kline, Kaitlyn Knapik

1.) We believe that the Carr is referring to before he could read long narratives and be immersed in the articles. He also says that deep reading used to come natural, but now it is a struggle for him. It is easier to maneuver from site to site and get sidetracked from the reading.

2.) Some benefits would e that research has become easier and quicker. Also, you do not have to look through hundreds of books to find the information that you need. The Internet makes it easier on writers because they can just click on a hyperlink and go straight to the information that is needed.

3.) "My mind expects to take in information the way the net distributes it in a swiftly moving stream of particles." Carr had to adapt to the use of Internet to e ale to use it. He states that before he was just looking at a page of jumbled words and now he can zip along without any problems.

4.) We would say that Carr's main concern would be that the world today has become to reliant on the Internet. We believe that Carr does not want people to stop thinking through their own problems.

In Class Carr--Laura, Ellie, Chrissy

1. Carr's mind is changing because he no longer can concentrate on long written articles, he finds reading to be a difficult task when it is something he used to do with ease. He contributes this to the fact that internet reading is very jumpy and causes his mind to go back and forth from many different texts at a fast pace and in a short amount of time.
2. Carr says that the benefits for writers like himself is that he can get research done in a much shorter amount of time and with a broader circle of knowledge, with not as much deep information.
3. Carr talked about the Guttenberg Printing Press and how people of the time worried that this would cause lazyness among people, weaken their minds and undermine religious authority. What people did not recognize at the time was that the greater access to written material would actually expland and strengthen society's knowledge.
4. Carr;s main concern with Google is that people will have broad knowledge but not enough information to actually use it effectively. Also, they don't need to really know most information and will chose not to learn it because it is right there in the internet with easy access.

Is Google Making Us Stupid (In Class Questions)

Kevin, Todd, Greg

1.When Carr says his mind his changing he means that the way he thinks is changing. He find himself getting more distracted while he tries to read and he is unable to finish a long essay or article anymore.

2. Carr does not really like the internet but he does see some good in it. Research that would have taken him days using books can now be done in minutes and as a writer that is very helpful for him.

3. In the 9th paragraph of the article it talks about how "we are how we read." When using the internet to read you expect you get your information quickly, so thats how we read, quickly. We lose our focus quickly because having to read a lot isn't what we use the internet for. We try to be efficient when using the internet. And having to read a lot isn't efficient.

4. He does not want everyone to have to rely on Google for everything. People nowadays are using Google for some really dumb searches. He thinks that eventually everyone would go straight to Google rather than picking up a book and doing actual research.

Is google making us stupid.

This article was interesting to read in that it had a lot of points and discoveries that i have seen in myself. ever since i began using computers as a learning tool in grade school, ive found it hard to read long texts as well. i used to read books for fun and write my own stories, but now if its not non-fiction or school related im usually not going to pick it up. when it comes to doing a research paper the first source most resort to first is the internet. in my case books are usually used to cite an original document or primary source. i thought it was interesting how the author wrote about how this type of happening can occur not only in reading but in writing as well. in the example given the man baught a type writer and his style of writing subtly changed from more expressive ect, to a tighter robotic type of language and format. i do believe search engines in generally allow certain parts of your brain a rest, thus dumming us down over time.

Is Google making us stupid ?

I liked this article because it does bring up some great points, but to answer the question " Is Google making us stupid? " I would have to say yes and no. When you are writing information in a paper for school and you have to describe different various topics yes of course you are going to search the web and see if you can fins bunches and bunches of information fast. I believe that the internet is a great way to find information fast and easy but I think a little too easy. The internet has made it a little to easy for people to find infromation quick and fast. When you would look up facts of information you would take your time to look in a book and maybe highlight or pick out the key and main points of info that you might want to put into your paper. Now when you go to type a paper or some type of article all you have to do is go to a computer type in the topic you are searching for hit go and bam! It is right there in front of you. That is just too easy. I really have no room to talk on that part of the subject because I use the internet for everything, but that just goes to show you that it is really too easy to use google or any other search engine to find your information because you are really having someone else do the job for you. Now you don't want to take the time to look through a book and pick out the information yourself, or find great articles of info in like a book or a magazine no, you want to just type in the subject click the button and have someone else do the work for you. That is why today the internet is ruining us and making us look lazy.

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

This article was very interesting to read. I agree and I disagree with that statement that Google is making us “stupid”. I agree in the aspect that we rely on the internet way more than we used to. Anything that you need to know or want to find out is right on the internet. I disagree in the aspect that I grew up on the internet. Not only myself, but a lot of the kids in my generation grew up using computers.

I can say that I think it hard to believe that all books and newspapers will be discontinued, but it is a possibility. One example would be right here at Kent State. I sat in on a presentation by one of the women that work in the library and she was saying how they are taking a lot of the books that are in the library and putting them into storage. She said that they are putting all the books online as e-books and that it is going to be more convenient to look up information on the library website.

is google making us stupid?

I would have to say that I agree with most of what Carr is saying in his article. When i first started reading it I got bored, got on Facebook, and got too distracted and decided to read the article later, not even thinking about the irony of doing that. I don't necessarily think that Google and the internet in general is making us stupid, but mainly lazy, distracted, and obsessed with immediate satisfaction. In our fast pace world, technology is allowing us to multitask a lot better. We can be writing a paper while doing research for another one and updating our Facebook statuses. I think were so caught up in getting everything we want right then and there we feel like we don't have time to be doing just one thing at a time, like reading a book. Also, going along with that immediate satisfaction, we want to know how the book ends right away. We feel like we only need the main idea and key parts not all the little details; we just want to know what happens without doing the work. With the internet, we can simply go on sparknotes or another site and get a shortened summary of everything that happens in the book, this shows our immediate satisfaction need, and our laziness. I think it could somewhat affect how we learn because the it keeps us so entertained and doing so many things at once, that simply sitting in a classroom and listening to a lecture becomes even more boring than it should be and we can't keep focus on what's in front of us. I think this can be a really bad thing but also can help us to become more intelligent. Since we are so used to the idea of multitasking, a simple classroom could be changed to where we are doing more things at once so we don't get bored and stop listening we stay in tune so we can complete all the tasks presented. This could go well or cause teachers to become less important and cause problems. I don't know what the new learning style should be like but I think that because of the internet and technology were able to do more and we do need a change in how we're taught. The internet has many benefits and is ideal for our world today but it does come with a cost. It also makes me fear the behavior patterns of future generations, who knows what type of technology will be out in the next 50 years and how it will affect our society. Overall, I would say that Google and internet access in general, like anything in the world, has a positive and negative side to it.

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

I enjoyed this article and the way it was written. It started out almost like a story with two characters, but it still efficiently got its point across that Google is making us stupid. I agree that we rely heavily on the Internet, however; that's the generation we grew up in. It is scary to think that books, newspapers and magazines will soon be gone. All tangible materials can be found on Google, and more than likely that topic will come up with multiple pages. Some people believe that Google is taking over the world. In a way I could see this happening, however; I still enjoy actually picking up a book and reading it. Not on a kindle and not on a screen. I believe there are a lot of others out there with the same opinion as mine.
YouTube is another website that catapults people to fame. A lot of people post pointless videos or them showing off their singing skills and they are picked up by a popular industry. Take Justin Bieber for example, he was discovered on YouTube by Usher. Majority of the time however, YouTube is filled with some of the most ridiculous videos. The videos are pure entertainment and comical. More and more people have become familiar with YouTube and are beginning to watch it the same amount as they do television. Is this good or bad? Personally, I hope television never goes away, I like watching YouTube but not as much as I do TV.
The Internet is becoming more and more influential. You can search almost anything you want and research any topic. Yes its less time consuming to type in a question rather then flipping through pages of a book, but I'm not so sure if I want my future to be anymore Internet reliant then it is now.

Week 11

Is Google making us stupid?

This article reminds me of the Sapir-Waorf hypothesis which is a theory on linguistic relativity. The Sapir-Waorf hypothesis is the idea that the language and the culture that one's familiar with effects how one thinks. For example an Amazonian language may not have a word to distinct the difference between green and blue. Because of this the tribe who speaks the language may not differentiate between the forest canopy and the sky. I don't think Google is making us stupid, I just think it's making us think differently. The article brings up the Gutenberg press and the negative response it originally received. It was said to "lead to intellectual laziness" and create weaker minds, but really it allowed knowledge to be brought to a wider audience and society progressed. Google is essentially doing the same again today- making knowledge more accessible.

On you-tube, everyone's an anti-star.

Oh, Youtube. Before I came to Kent State I couldn't regularly use Youtube like the rest of America (due to limited bandwidth at home). I've had several experiences where I've stood blankly at the edge of a conversation about yet another Youtube video I haven't seen and couldn't watch. These experiences made me hate Youtube. As self-professed pop culture junkie it was a struggle not to have cable but not to have Youtube was torture. The idea of the website was like a dream come true- a collection of every video clip I could ever want all in one place plus the fact that any average Joe could become overnight by being themselves was fantastically exciting. It's like a never ending episode of America's Funniest Home Videos (minus Bob Saget).
Now that I have easy access to Youtube it's kind of a let down. Sure, I can watch stupid viral videos, interviews with people I find interesting or movie tailors all in one place but my expectations had building up for years. I thought is was really interesting that Evan Lushing said "When a medium is in it's infancy, the familiar and mundane will dominate it". I'd never thought about this before but it's true. This quote really stood out to me because usually we associate the familiar and the mundane with the old and familiar mediums. Newspapers, books, I never thought to consider that at one time movies and Youtube had very bland beginnings. I just thought this was interesting.

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

I enjoyed this article, only because I agree with it. It is not so much the internet or Google is making us stupid, I think it is making us lazy. I mean 99% of the time I get on my laptop and say I am going to study the notes that day. As I begin normally facebook, or a simple question on the study guide gets in my way. I can spend ten minutes scrolling through my notes to answer the question or I can go to any search engine and type it in the box and have my answer in a matter of seconds. Google, has made life too easy on people. I cannot wait for the day that something goes wrong and Google is down for a few hours. People are just going to go insane, I know it. As for staying focused on long pieces of writing? The internet has made it so that we no longer have to. Say you have a 200 page book to be read by 9a.m. tomorrow. Honestly, I really doubt that is going to happen. Most people would just get online and spark notes the book and read the summaries of it and bam your done. Like I said, I don't think that the internet is making us stupid... if anything we should be applauded for using our resources better. I would however agree that it is making us extremely lazy.

Is Google making us stupid? (BG)

This weeks article "Is google making us stupid" by Nicholas Carr, was interesting and an easy read. I thought it was interesting because i understand where hes coming from. Carr made alot of good points, and all are understandable. However, i feel that google is making it to easy to make us feel like it is making us stupid. Google is a collection of website links that can take you wherever you want to go with no thought. I believe that technology is helping but yet hurting in many ways. Like in my math class, we were told on the first day we were not allowed to use a calculator at all. We all just looked at each other in a kind of shocked and freaking out state. We were all so use to using a calculator in any of our other math classes, that alot of us struggled with the simplest long division problems, or it took us a little longer to work out some multiplication. However i do agree that maybe we do relay on google a little to much at times, being to lazy to check out a book in read it. I must admit id rather look something up online rather than read because i tend to get bored and lose focus if its not something i am interested in. while i don't agree with all of what Carr is saying, i do find some truth in it. This question doesn't have a wrong or right answer, its more of an opinion. I think that google can help accomplish alot but at the same time can also hurt.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

The article "Is Google Making Us Stupid" was very interesting to read. It really got me thinking about how the Internet is basically giving people ADD. When ever I'm using any kind of technology I'm always used to having an "Undo" button. I'm used to fixing things that I messed up in an instant and when I can't it really hits me how spoiled technology has made me.
Also, since everything is online it makes books less of a priority and it makes browsing, rather than reading, the thing to do. I liked, "we may well be reading more today than we did in the 1970s or 1980s, when television was our medium of choice" because if anything you would think people are reading less these days. Although it does state that what we read is different and how we read is different, but none the less I would think we read less.
Another point I liked about this article was, "In deciding when to eat, to work, to sleep, to rise, we stopped listening to our senses and started obeying the clock." When I thought about this statement, I totally agreed with it. If no one told us when "dinner time" was maybe people would just eat when they were hungry instead of making it a requirement . I think life would be less stressful without a clock. I once saw a documentary about this tribe that was not introduced to anything modern. They had no clock, and no time. They just lived. Without time there is no word "late." Which I think would make people less on edge.

Is Google Making us Stupid (Blog Week 11)

The article "Is Google Making us Stupid" by Nicholas Carr was kind of an easy article to read because I understood where he was coming from. When someone doesn't know how to use Google it can be a little frustrating and may seem dumb. But the site is very easy to adapt too I adapted quite well and I use it just about everyday. It can be used for many things and can makes us smarter in some ways. I use it for research purposes, not just for papers but also when I want to know something about someone famous or something of that nature. Google is the key to helping people build, make, and use certain things. But I agree that Google can make us stupid because people tend to rely on the site way to much. Before Google people had to sit down and read books to find research but today and I agree with the article that people get distracted after a few pages of reading and it's really difficult to find stuff while reading. I know I get really distracted while reading anytime because my mind wonders off on me. This is really opinion question and we may never know if Google is making us stupid.

Monday, November 8, 2010

" Is google making us stupid"(kyle)

The article “Google is making us stupid” by Nicholas Carr made very good points and made it easy for me to understand. He was very anti google which is a point that I disagree with. When doing research projects it can be very helpful. However, I do agree with what they said about how its hard to read a book without getting distracted ever couple of pages. I Believe that technology is helping and hurting in many ways. My math work for my calculus class is all done online. I don’t like it because often times I have the answer correct but get marked wrong because its not spaced right. In some cases such as looking stuff up online, I believe its much more efficient then looking it up in books. I also don’t believe with how he thought the internet was taking the place of books. The books aren’t being lost theyre still on the internet through pdf files. Its just allowing to be more organized than have to put them all in a library somewhere. In the past I have been able to find articles on the internet much faster than looking a book up and then reading it. The internet allows for you to find the correct information fast .

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

I found the article “Is Google making us stupid?” by Nicholas Carr interesting. He made good points. I can relate to him when he says he used to be able to sit and read a book but now he gets distracted after two or three pages. This makes me wonder if it’s the time spent on the internet that really causes this. I agree with some things that he said but I also disagree with some. His point of view is basically negative, while I find Google to be very useful in some cases. Yes, it takes the time that used to be spent going through many different books to try and find information but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I believe Google has changed technology extremely. Now, you can look up something in five minutes through the search engine rather than taking twenty minutes looking through books. A good negative point could be the fact that Google can be at the tip of your fingers at all time. My cellphone has to have Google in order to work/ technology being this advanced is a negative thing that should be changed. I do not agree that Google is making us stupid; I actually think it’s helping us accomplish things much faster than we would have during earlier times.

Is Google making us stupid? (Kevin)

David Carr's article "Is Google Making Us Stupid" was an interesting article. I think there is some truth to what he is saying. In his article he talks about how the internet is making people not want to read anymore. Now I don't know if he means reading online or from a text book but while I read online I get distracted a lot easier. Like while I was reading this article. I find it easier to read from Convergences rather than on Vista. The reason why I think this is true is because when you are reading on a computer you are use to doing many more things on that computer. It is a lot easier to get away from the reading than if it was a textbook. Its just one click away. I do not agree, though, with the fact that the internet is making us stupid. I think the internet is the best tool ever invented. In high school I used google and the internet for a lot of my projects and research papers. All of my teacher encouraged that we used the internet if we needed help with anything and it has actually helped me out greatly. Also in college I use the internet everyday. All of my math homework is done over the internet so it is a big part of my life. I also find it easier to do my math homework online rather than on paper. It was a good adjustment from high school. I may not agree with everything David Carr is saying in this article but I do think there is some truth to it.


After reading the article about google, I related to what Nicholas Carr said about people wanting to read less and people writing in different ways. However, I did disagree with the the overall article. Google is a search engine used to quicken the way that information is found. It is a way for people to research most everything in the most timely way. There is so much that I have learned from the internet from sources that I normally would not be able to have access too. The internet itself helps save a great amount of time, and google makes it that much better. There is so much information linked from that search engine that I can find so many sources that help. Another thing that I did not exactly agree with is that he thinks the internet replacing books is solely negative. In many cases, I read more because of the internet. The Times Reporter, the newspaper from home, is available online. I can go online any day of the year and access daily articles that I would normally not be able to read. Thanks to the internet, the pages are right there in front of me and I can stay updated on my counties news from anywhere. It is very helpful in many ways and without the internet, it would not even be possible.
Also, I mostly disagree with the youtube article. Like any website where the audience as well as the creator can be anyone with internet access, there are going to be some "worthless" videos. That being sad, I think that youtube has been a very positive thing for history alone. There are thousands, probably millions, of videos that help us preserve our history. Videos that people have from the past that would not normally be shown to the public can be accessed by a click of a mouse. One prime example is old music videos. Because I was not around during the prime of both Michael Jackson and The Beatles, I had not seen any of their live performances. Although the videos are not the best quality, I still feel like I have been able to witness a part of history when I watch their performances. I could go on and on about the value of youtube, however, that is just one prime example of the good that I see in it.


I found the article "is Google making us stupid" by Nicholas Carr to be very interesting. No i do not agree with most of the things he said though. He only focused on the negatives of Google and not the advantages to. Google has changed the world .. the internet speeds up processes for us. it takes a lot less time to just sit there and type in something you are looking for rather then you having to try to find it in a book. yes so of the sites are not reliable, but you just have to find reliable sources so you are not being fed wrongful information. Google does make writing papers a lot easier you can just search the info but you still need to make sure it is relabel source and that you cite your work. Google is not making us stupid, i disagree with him on that. I do agree with people not reading books but that is not because they dont have the patients i dont do it because i hate reading books. it is the own persons choice. most of the information you need to learn is on the internet. what you have already learned or done many people have to. a lot of people post there work online for all to you. on re gradesto youtube. it is good i think but some things people put on there are dumb. tons of people have become famous because of youtube a lot of youtube vedios have a lot of hits. but for interantment sometimes i do use youtube. lots of people now a days talk about vedios on there and it makes me want to see them.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


I disagreed with many of the things said in the video about YouTube. I didn't like how the man was making fun of all the people on YouTube and saying that their not famous. First off, the Numa Numa Guy was so famous online that he was put on a South Park Episode. Now I know that doesn't match up with movies or anything of that sort but last time I checked South Park was a show watched by millions of people. To me, I think the man who wrote this article was just upset he couldn't make as good of videos as everyone else. I believe this is the way for "regular" people to become famous. Of course, the man in the article doesn't put into effect that everyone can't "buy" their way into fame, some people actually have to show and prove what they can do.
While reading the article on Google, I strongly disagreed. From the beginning I knew that I wasn't going to like this article very much. I disagree with him in the fact that Google is making us stupid, with the internet we can get more information in a less amount of time. For example, a year ago my PS3 broke and needed to be taken apart. Because of the internet, I learned how to take my PS3 apart in less than a half hour. He also makes the point in the article that people nowadays don't have enough patients to read books because of using the internet. I deeply disagree with this because even before I started to use the internet I couldn't stay focused while reading a book. Maybe, this guy should have practiced what he preached and made his article shorter so I COULD stay focused the entire article. In my opinion, Google is one of the best things ever invented. In today's world people are getting more information at a more efficient rate, so who needs books?

Is Google Making Us Stupid

I found the article "Is Google Making Us Stupid" by Nicholas Carr to be interesting, although I strongly disagreed with what he was saying. Throughout his article he only focused on the negative effects of the Internet on today's society. The Internet has had a major impact for anyone using it, especially Google. Google is one of the most brilliant search engines created. It allows for people to access information quickly instead of reading through books for hours. Being able to get instant access to information makes research a step easier. The answer to your question is not just answered after you type it in. It involves going link to link and reading the results that come up. It simply just reduces the hassle we have and is way more convenient compared to going to a library searching for a book related to the topic. All through school I have always used Google as a reliable source to get information for projects. If it was not around then everything would be way more complicated and my projects would take longer to get finished. While people are on the Internet, it is their choice as to what they do. I know that I do not read everything that I open up, some things are so long that I just read to get the information I need. Everything in a reading does not need to be read, and sometimes the best thing to do is just skim through it to reduce the time it takes to read.

google & youtube

I would agree with some parts of what the article is saying. In elementary school I was taught how to use those little note card things to look up the names of books in a library, then it was like a huge upgrade when my elementary school got a card catalog online so you could search for books online. Now we don't even need books, we google information we need and book articles are scanned into a website and we can read them right off of the internet. I probably couldn't use the ways I was taught in elementary school to find books even if I tried. I do however agree with the fact that google makes researching for papers so easy. It helps bring up articles very quickly, but sometimes the information is from non trustworthy sources, so you have to put some consideration before actually using the sites they provide you with. I also agree with the point, the more you use the internet for whatever homework, research, etc. the longer the assignment actually takes you. Having Facebook open while trying to even do this simple blog can take me a good 2 hours just from flipping back and forth. With regards to the youtube article, I cannot believe the things you can find anytime you long onto youtube. You can find the most random things, like the guy with his how to dance demo, along with many other how to's. Also you can find just about any music video and many interviews. Its crazy how many people use youtube anytime they are giving a presentation to go along with their presentation, youtube is also becoming much more popular along with google and facebook.

apparently google makes us stupid..and youtube antistars

I disagree with a lot of Nicholas Carr's article about Google making people stupid. First off being too lazy to read an entire article isn't because of the internet. Second off there is literally a million things I could learn right now just by typing in any question to google. I think google is an incredible resource, it is original in that before it's time there was nothing like it except everything in books, but who ever sat down to read an entire encyclopedia anyway? Google gives people the ability to look up anything you could possibly imagine from one source, not even an encyclopedia could ever do that. I think being able to link that much information at one place is a great thing and if i search something and a whole article comes up i probably won't read the whole thing either, but i will read until i learn what i wanted, and i think i probably learn more as i look for the information i want. For me i will read, or skim, or completely ignore an article depending on how interesting the writing is, or how interested i am in the topic. I dont think it is google's fault that Carr's article wasn't something i read with ease and optimism, but that an article on a tv show i like would be something i read with ease. Also, i feel that there is no way a source with that much information could make you stupid plus you cant really blame it on one website. I think people's tendency to do less reading has to do with all the access to different technologies we have today. Everything Carr said about the advertisements being a way to make us skip from link to link, doesn't seem so accurate. I just think the web advertisements are simply a way for companies to gain more viewers, its just like commercials on tv, sure they can affect you but they dont take away from what you are doing so much. If you were going to read the article you still will. I did find Carr's statements about people having skepticism and fear for things like the written word and the printing press, and i think as with those things internet reading, and skimming of information online is something that will be normal one day, and people wont worry about it ruining our lives, which to me is a little dramatic anyway.
In Evan Lushing's article about youtube stars he talks about 4 popular "classic" youtube videos. I think he made good choices considering I had seen all except the "Palchelbel Guitar Hero" but he also makes a good point about how these people are not your typical stars. As for the star wars kid and the numa numa guy i dont really suspect they would have ever been casted for a tv show or movie, but the internet accepts them and they have been able to become stars. While most of their fans are probably laughing at them, I think these youtube stars were able to gain a lot of attention which may not have been there intention but at least they got their 15 minutes. I think the fact that youtube can make people famous by doing something totally embarrassing is cool and kind of scary since i wouldnt really want a video of me dancing or singing on the internet to be seen by millions.

Greg Knapp-Youtube and Google

The passage in Convergences was quite interesting. I don't agree with most of what Evan Lushing has to say. Youtube and videos from a web cam have become the new way to become famous and be a star. Evan says that they are anti-stars but I believe that he is far from right. Some of the stars today became famous through Youtube or Myspace. By using a web cam they were able to display their musical skills to millions of people. When enough people watch the videos, it attracts the attention of music producers. People have become stars through Youtube and web cams and I think that this number will only increase as time goes on.

The article on Google frustrated me very much. I cannot count how many times Google has helped me out in school. There is so much information out there on the web. Google is simply an easy way to sift through all of this information. For this guy to think that it making us dumber is just ridiculous. He also says how the internet is making us not want to read books anymore. The iPad has a feature that is specifically aimed towards reading books. He also has people saying that the internet has altered their mental habits which is just crap. The internet is a very important part of our society. It is a very important step in our future of technology. I think that the author of this is stuck in the past.

Youtube and how computers might possibly make us stupid?

For this blog I will first talk about the article I read called "Is Google making us stupid?". This article states its view on how they believe that the net is becoming a universal medium. I think this is very true because people rely on the web and computer all day every day now. There are many positives and negatives having the web. The positives being the advantages of having immediate access to information you need right at your finger tips. You can use the web to find out any information you need. It is very easy access also. And like the article says, the web shapes the process of thought. It brings new information into your mind allowing you to expand your horizon of thought and knowledge. For the negatives though it can go the opposite way. It can allow you not to form your own thoughts because if you rely on the information coming form the internet you will automatically use the information you find for your thoughts instead of figuring out the information yourself. Also in my opinion people have less of an ambition to accomplish finding out new and exciting information because most of the information that they need is most likely on the internet whereas way back in the day new information had many founders. Another negative about the web is that who are we to know whether the information being given to us is true or false? It can be a reliable internet web company but it is very hard to trust people these days. All in all, the web is both good and bad.

For the youtube portion of this blog, I really think it is crazy how people do such stupid things on there and because so many people view it they then become famous. They didn't even have to try to get where they are in their famous standing where many famous actors have worked their butts off to be where they are today. I just think it is somewhat wrong. Do not get me wrong though, I love youtube. It's just I believe youtube videos should stay only on the web and the people should stay with them, not make movies about them like they did with the "Fred" videos. I do understand though that it truly is a money making business.