Friday, December 3, 2010

Final Essay

My final essay/project is actually coming along quite well. I've almost finished the video taping and it went smoothly. I just need one other person and then myself. With each person it was a little awkward at first because not many people are used to talking to a camera, but eventually each person loosened up and made some very thought provoking points.

I thought the hardest part was going to be tying everything together into one thesis statement but I've got some ideas. Everyone was pretty much on the same page with interviews so I think it will be pretty easy. What I'm not looking forward to is the editing. I've used MovieMaker twice before but never like this, I'll probably get the hang of it but it will be time consuming. Another hard part is knowing that I don't have all of the time in the world. I keep wanting to interview everyone I see! However, I know that I won't have enough time to edit it all and put it together. So I'm tyring hard to keep it small. I'm also trying to keep a narrow enough focus but incorporating many ideas. With a topic like this, alone I could probably talk for hours but I would probably get off track.

Overall I'm very excited about the project. I think the work will turn out to be worth it because it's something I'm interested in and talk about all of the time with my friends.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear that you're making progress, Melanie. Sounds like fascinating stuff.

    Editing is tedious - but that kind of work really pays off in the end.

    >>Another hard part is knowing that I don't have all of the time in the world. I keep wanting to interview everyone I see! <<

    Yes, this was always my problem. It's unfortunate that such interesting projects are limited by the constraints of the classroom. I'm nonetheless glad that you're so engaged in the project - can't wait to see it.
