Friday, December 3, 2010

Final Paper-Greg Knapp

To be honest I haven’t really thought too much about this paper. However, I did come across some problems when doing part 1. I am worried about sounding crazy in my paper. What I mean is that I know that we have to do a preemptive strike, but when thinking of arguments, I thought I sounded like I was talking to myself. I need to figure out to make it sound like I am not arguing with myself. I also found trouble in answering the questions listed at the bottom. I am not really sure if you want us to simply answer them with a paragraph or throughout the essay. So far these are the only concerns that I have. I think that once I start doing more in depth research on my topic, things will become clearer to me.

1 comment:

  1. legitimate concerns, Greg.

    1) Considering opposing arguments does not have to mean an explicit mulitiple personality-esque conversation. You want to think of these as part of YOUR argument and not just a quick retort to what someone else thinks. I'll give some examples in class.

    2) The questions at the bottom don't necessarily require a separate paragraph - I had thought of them as more overarching, something to consider "throughout the essay," as you say. However, you may find it easier to answer them explicitly in separate paragraph - just make sure that paragraph supports your initial thesis. Another strategy would be to address them in the intro or conclusion.
