Friday, December 3, 2010

Roadblocks on final paper

I'm actually kind of excited about this final paper because the medium I chose should be nice break in the old type and hand in way. I chose to do the audio essay where you speak your essay and record versus writing it on paper. There is only a few difficulties I foresee in this project. The first of which would be finding the right topics to talk about that have to relate to the question I chose. Another difficulty I see is using the sources in the paper. My guess is that Im just going to say something like "according to blah blah 60 percent of people believe this" or something along those lines. Another possible problem I see is getting my audio essay to work on other peoples computers. Not that it is a huge problem, it is just something that could be time consuming or tedious.

1 comment:

  1. >>My guess is that Im just going to say something like "according to blah blah 60 percent of people believe this" or something along those lines.<<

    Yes - exactly. Ideally, you should include a written script with your audio essay, and you will still need a works cited page.

    Also - don't feel like you have to cite only statistics - there are lots of interesting opinions about these topics.
