Friday, December 3, 2010

Final Paper Issues

I think my biggest obstacle will be finding enough to write about. I think this class has allowed me to see that one of my greatest challenges with writing is knowing how much to say. I either know what I want to say and have trouble expanding on it or I write and write to the point where my thought gets lost a big mess of unnecessary words. For this paper, I'm pretty sure of the arguments I want to make but am uncertain of my ablities to stretch those ideas to fit the page requirement. I'm not too worried though because usually while writing papers I'll get new ideas to expand on. I'm also worried about finding enough time to write the paper in the way that I'd like because, of course, finals are coming up and I want to make sure I have time to study and sleep. But again, I'm really not too worried and if worse comes to worse there's always coffee.

1 comment:

  1. >> I write and write to the point where my thought gets lost a big mess of unnecessary words. <<

    I sometimes have this problem - it's a kind of hypergraphia. Some brain researchers even term this a "disorder", referring to it as "writer's flood." It's essentially the opposite of writer's block - precisely what you describe. It can be just as difficult to overcome.

    I will say that having too much to say is always preferable to having too little. You always have great ideas, Ellie - just stay as focused as you can on a singular writing task.
